Hello Guys,,,
This is an easy method to cash out cc...
Follow the instruction carefully
Go to https://www.indiegogo.com and sign up with your real info
1 . Click 'Start your own campaing'.
2 . Click 'Health', Or anything.
3 . Scroll down and choose amoun of your goal - for example 500$(when you load 500$ in your account you'll be able to cashout them).
4 . Which person or organization will receive the funds from your campaign? - Choose A registered business.
5. Fill your all info(REAL) make it look like real, upload images.
6 . Start the campaing successfully.
7 . Start the VPN and choose country as the card holder's.
8 . Start donating to your company(as anonnymous).
9 . Dont push too much, because your account can get frozen(200$ per day is fine).
It works with Public and Private cc...
Rep+Thx will motivate
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