Many of Websites over internet provides free templates for blogger users but most all of them have the same problem.many of you didn't like that and that problem is the coder of template have put his name and website in footer and you just want to remove that in such a way that it do not effect the template now if you will try to remove those links then you will be redirected to any other website or something bad will happen to your template now in this article i will teach you how to remove those safely without effecting your template Follow the simple steps given below and you will be done with that because it is very easy and simple.
Remove Credits From Blogger Premium Templates
* Log in to your blogger account* Select the blog and open it
* Now click on template and then click edit template
* Now Go to footer Coding of that template
Now on the footer you will be able to see those names and links of websites who have provided you template
just remove them and if you want to add yours add those
* Now save the the template
This way works on many of templates but for most of them this will not work because the codes has added a script or any other sort of line to make the template redirect to any other web page if we will change the credits now what we have to do is just remove that script or meta tag which coder has added in the template code.
Now Log in to your blogger account and go to template and then edit template there search for the following code
<script src=’//’/>
Now remove this script from your template and save the template this way will work for few templates but if you will not be able to find this code try this on and save the template and you are done
if you not found First script then find this script and remove
<script src='//'/>
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