Bluestacks is most popular android emulator for computer . Generally we use it to play any android game in personal computer or desktop. on other hand champcash is an android app which gives you Real cash just by completing some task . but here i have smart trick to get unlimited cash with bluestacks and champcash app.
How to get unlimited cash with champcash and bluestacks ??
First make sure you have have bluestacks emulator have installed in your pc , you also can use youwave to get unlimited money from this champcash app.
- First download Champcash app from google playstore.
- Enter your mobile number , email id etc to Verify your identity.
- enter refer code 1270961 after using this code you will get 1 us dollar as a signup bonus.
- Now start downloading apps from offer wall they give you money on every app you download and install from champcash app.
- In this single process you will be easily earn more then 20 to 25 usd.
- now redeem all of your money and uninstall all app including . but remember refer code.
- Now change it’s Imei, Device id , & Guid and download champcash again.
- Repeat this process again and again. to get unlimited cash with bluestacks and champcash.
But remember
- You need to download ,install and open app but they didn’t give you money just for download.
- You will be get signup bonus 1 dollar for just enter our refer code 1270961 don’t forget to enter it.
- Changing the imei number is not legal.
- Minimum redemption amount is 10 dollar for bank transfer and 10 rs for recharge.
After download 8 to 10 apps your referral code will be unlocked.ask your friends to download this app and you will be get bonus after he complete some task.So that’s my post about how to earn unlimited cash with bluestacks and champcash.if you found this post useful share this with your friends. and don’t forget to follow this blog via email.
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